鄧白氏企業認證™ (D-U-N-S® Registered™)為全球企業提供國際通用的專屬身份,企業接受鄧白氏的資訊收集和審核後,被授予鄧白氏環球編碼® (D-U-N-S Number®, ,全稱Data Universal Numbering System),
由鄧白氏創立的9位數全球編碼系統,建檔於鄧白氏全球企業資料庫。在經濟交易全球化下,鄧白氏環球編碼® (D-U-N-S Number®,全稱Data Universal Numbering System),被廣泛應用於企業識別與其商業資訊,可迅速辨別全球3億家企業資訊與身分,是全球企業和政府機構所依賴的通用標準。
With D&B D-U-N-S® Registered, potential customers and business partners readily identify the D&B Brand with trust, giving them the confidence to do business with us.
The D&B D-U-N-S® Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses. It is used to establish a business credit file. D-U-N-S, which stands for data universal number system, is used to and maintain accurate and timely information on +300M global businesses.
Please refer to https://www.dunsregistered.com/#.