欣逢2024年國際智慧能源週即將舉行,合隆能源誠摯邀請您蒞臨指導,共同探討可再生能源的未來。We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Energy Taiwan exhibition, where we'll show you our latest progression in renewable energy solutions.
我們的綠能里程碑Our Journey in Renewable Energy
Ventured into wind farm project
Established Ho Lung Power Energy Co., Ltd. To further our commitment to renewable energy
Successfully completed four major wind farm projects in Taiwan and expanded our O&M scopes
臺灣館特別安排Special Arrangements at the Taiwan Pavilion
應邀於臺灣館設展,我們將:We are honored to be invited to participate in the Taiwan Pavilion, where we will:
Share our experience and working scope in our exclusive booth
Have our professional team ready for in-depth discussions
Contribute to three unique panel discussions, focusing on:
10/2 連接能源未來:高壓電纜技術在離岸風電中的關鍵角色
Connecting the Future: The Critical Role of High Voltage Cable Technology in Offshore Wind Energy
10/3 全方位電纜故障診斷:提升離岸風電場可靠性的關鍵
Comprehensive Cable Fault Finding & Diagnose: The Key to Enhancing Offshore Wind Farm Reliability
10/4 台灣製造,世界品質:我們如何培養國際級能源工程人才
Made in Taiwan, World-Class Quality: How We Develop International-Level Energy Engineering Talents
運維服務新領域Expanding Our O&M Services
不僅是與您介紹我們在建設期的服務範疇,我們還想與您分享合隆在運維的最新突破。期待與您一同推動綠色能源的發展。Beyond our services during the construction phase, we are excited to share Ho Lung's latest breakthroughs in operation and maintenance. We look forward to collaborating with you in driving the development of green energy.
誠摯邀請We Look Forward to Seeing You
熱切期盼您的蒞臨指導。您的到訪是我們最大的鼓舞,我們以真摯的交流代替花禮,懇請您的理解。Your presence means a lot to us. We're excited to exchange ideas and forge new partnerships. While we respectfully decline floral gifts due to space constraints, we value the opportunity for meaningful dialogue with you.
展覽資訊Event Details
